Monday, July 11, 2016
Meet Our Staff - Mary
We met with Mary on a bright and sunny day. Lovely old city views, loads of space and modern equipment - this is how Residence Karlova can be described. While Mary was answering the questions below, we took pictures of apartments no. 42 and 33 and the location. Check out our result in this post.
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Meet Our Staff - Wendy
Jak bys ses popsala 5 slovy?
Ambiciózní, loajální, organizovaná, přátelská, respektující
How would you describe yourself in five words?
Ambitious, loyal, organized, friendly and respectful.
Jaká je Tvá pozice u Prague City Apartments?
V Prague City Apartments pracuji na pozici Rezervační Agent a Recepční
What's your position at Prague City Apartments?
I work as the Reservation agent and Receptionist.
Jak obvykle probíhá Tvůj pracovní den?
Ráno se snažím brzy vstávat. Někdy díky svým zálibám musím, jindy jen proto, abych si vychutnala ranní kávu v kavárně. Ve tři hodiny odpoledne začíná moje směna na rezervačním oddělení, přebírám důležité informace od kolegyně, která se chystá domů. S recepční dáváme dohromady co je potřeba ještě během dne zařídit a jaké zbývají check-iny. Pracovní čas trávím odpovídáním na emaily, zprávy a telefonické hovory od klientu. Často také pomáhám s check-iny, za což jsem opravdu rada, těší mě setkání s hosty, se kterými jsem před nedávnem komunikovala online a teď sedí na druhé straně recepčního stolu a já se nemohu dočkat, jak se jim bude líbit apartmán, který jsem jim doporučila :) Pracovní den končím v jedenáct hodin večer, natěšena na další den ještě stihnu menší procházku večerní Prahou a hurá nanovo.
How does your work day usually look like?
I try to get up early in the morning. Sometimes I have to because of my hobbies, sometimes I just want to enjoy a cup of coffee at café. At 3 o'clock I'm starting my shift at work. I'm taking over all necessary information from my colleague who is going home. Together with reception, we are getting all staff together of what has to be done and how many check-ins we are expecting that day. I'm spending my work time answering emails, messages and on the phone with clients. Sometimes, I help out with check-ins, which I do like. I like meeting people to which I've been online talking to and now they are sitting on the other side of the table. I'm always excited to find out how they like the apartment which I recommend them. :) I finish my working day at 11PM and before going home I manage to walk a bit through the night Prague and the next day it is all over again.
Dokázalo Tě v práci něco potěšit v poslední době?
Nedávno jsem ubytovala dva businessmany ze Švýcarska, povídali jsme si o jejich zemi, kterou dobře znám, o jejich jazyce, zvycích a jídle. Ráda hostům předám informace o České republice a Praze, ale také se ráda dozvím něco nového o jejich zemi. Po check-inu jsem se vrátila zpět do kanceláře a v tom mě volá recepční, že se po mně někdo ptá. Na recepci jsem pak našla právě tyto klienty, kteří mi přinesli (mojí oblíbenou) švýcarskou čokoládu. PS: Ještě jednou děkuji!
Is there something what pleased you at work recently?
I recently checked-in two businessmen from Switzerland. We talked about their country which I know very well, about their language, habits and food as well. I like talking with our guests about Czech republic and Prague, but on the other hand, it's nice to find out something new about their country. After check-in, I got back to the office and receptionist is telling me that someone is asking for at me at reception. These two gentlemen came back and brought me (my favourite) Swiss chocolate.
P.S.: Thank you very much again!
Nejvíce se věnuji hlídání dětí, což je skvělé na odpočinek. Krasobruslím, lyžuji, v létě jezdím na in-line bruslích. Vždy ráda posedím s přáteli u skleničky dobrého cocktailu nebo jídla. Mám ráda procházky a pohodovou hudbu (Pink Floyd jsou moje závislost). Miluji návštěvy kaváren a ráda se v tomto oboru vzdělávám.
What do you do in your free time?
Most of the time I'm babysitting which is great for relaxing. I like figure skating, skiing or inline skating during summer. I always like sitting with my friends over the cocktail or nice meal. I like walking and cool music (Pink Floyd is my addiction). I like going to cafés and educating myself in that area.
Jaké předměty Tě ve škole bavily a jaké ne?
Na střední mě hodně bavila pedagogika, na vysoké škole to je marketing a ekonomie. Nebavilo mě (bohužel důležité) účetnictví. Vůbec.
What school subjects did you like or not?
I liked pedagogy at high school, marketing and economics at college. I didn't like, unfortunately important, accounting. Not at all.
Jaké je Tvé oblíbené místo v Praze? Co bys doporučil klientům PCA navštívit?
Ulice Řásnovka. Neznám krásnější a tajemnější místo v Praze.
Pro klienty, kterým nevadí si přivstat, mám doporučení – sobotní farmářské trhy na Náplavce. Spousty dobrého jídla a pití a v neposlední řadě skvělých lidí na břehu Vltavy.
What's your favourite place in Prague? What you recommend to our guests?
Řásnovka Street. I don't know more beautiful and mysterious place in Prague. For clients who don't mind waking up early, I can recommend Farmer's markets at Náplavka on Saturdays. Loads of great food and drinks and last but no least, great people along the Vltava river.
Monday, March 7, 2016
How to spend March in Prague
One World - 7.-16.3.2016
One World Festival, organised by People in Need has become the biggest human rights film festival in the world. Every year, more than 100 movies are offered to viewers. Topic for this year is: We are looking for home. Tickets are still available.
Easter Markets at the Old Town Square and other places in Prague - 12.3. - 3.4.2016
Find more than 90 stands at the Old Town Square with beautifully decorated Czech traditional Easter eggs, laces, wooden toys. And the best thing? The entrance is free. :)
Flea Market - 13.3.2016
Any fans of second-hands? This event is right for you! Second-hands clother, vinyls or books are waiting for right here.
Mercedes-Benz Prague Fashion Week - 16.-23.3.2016
MBPFW is a commercial, cultural and social event modelled on world fashion weeks. The organisors alter the rules of Czech fashion scene, support local designers and discover new talents. Check the schedule and visit of the fashion shows.
Febiofest 2016 - 17.-25.3.
The festival is oriented towards full lenght films, bringing to audience the best films of the last year, as well as distribution premieres, retrospectives and tributes. It also discovers new territories and unknown filmakers. Febiofest is very popular among Czechs.
Green lighted Petřín's Tower - 17.3.
Happy St. Patrick's Day :))
World Water Day - 22.3. - the lower part of the Wenceslas Square
Find out how the hygiene is important is our lifes. Theme of the World Water Day is Water and Jobs.
Teachers' Day - 28.3.
Celebrate this day with lowered entrance fee (50CZK) at the National Technical Museum and educate yourself or your children.
One World Festival, organised by People in Need has become the biggest human rights film festival in the world. Every year, more than 100 movies are offered to viewers. Topic for this year is: We are looking for home. Tickets are still available.
One World Festival/ Image: |
Easter Markets at the Old Town Square and other places in Prague - 12.3. - 3.4.2016
Find more than 90 stands at the Old Town Square with beautifully decorated Czech traditional Easter eggs, laces, wooden toys. And the best thing? The entrance is free. :)
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Flea Market - 13.3.2016
Any fans of second-hands? This event is right for you! Second-hands clother, vinyls or books are waiting for right here.
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Mercedes-Benz Prague Fashion Week - 16.-23.3.2016
MBPFW is a commercial, cultural and social event modelled on world fashion weeks. The organisors alter the rules of Czech fashion scene, support local designers and discover new talents. Check the schedule and visit of the fashion shows.
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Febiofest 2016 - 17.-25.3.
The festival is oriented towards full lenght films, bringing to audience the best films of the last year, as well as distribution premieres, retrospectives and tributes. It also discovers new territories and unknown filmakers. Febiofest is very popular among Czechs.
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Green lighted Petřín's Tower - 17.3.
Happy St. Patrick's Day :))
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Find out how the hygiene is important is our lifes. Theme of the World Water Day is Water and Jobs.
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Teachers' Day - 28.3.
Celebrate this day with lowered entrance fee (50CZK) at the National Technical Museum and educate yourself or your children.
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Monday, February 22, 2016
Meet our Staff - Robert
Jak by ses popsal pěti slovy?
Přátelský, empatický, vstřícný, pracovitý...těžko říct...hodný?
How would you describe yourself in five words?
Friendly, emphatic, down to earth, hardworking....hard to say...kind?
Jaká je Tvá pozice u Prague City Apartments?
Pracuji jako noční recepční.
What's your position at Prague City Apartments?
I work as the night receptionist.
Jak obvykle probíhá Tvůj pracovní den?
Po příchodu do práce následuje více méně sled administrativních činností, případně ubytování "opozdilců". Většinu noci pak strávím odpovídáním na emaily a řeším krizové situace typu vypadlé pojistky, ztracené vstupní karty,...
How does your working day usually looks like?
After starting my shift, it is more or less about the administrative work, eventually checking-in "latecomers". Most of the night I spend answering email and solving crisis situations such as problems with safety fuse or lost entrance cards...
Dokáže Tě na práci něco překvapit? Vybavíš si nějakou veselou situaci z práce?
Nedá se říct, že by mě v práci něco překvapovalo. Spíš jsou věci, co mi zvednou náladu a věci, co mi ji zkazí.
Veselo jsem na recepci měl například tehdy, když se mi tu jeden "lehce" připitý kolemjdoucí rozhodl předvést umění jógy :-)
Is there something what can surprise you at work? Any funny moments?
I can't say that I get surprised at work. It's more about thing which makes me feel better or worse.
I remember one funny situation when one "slightly" drunk passer-by decided to show me the art of yoga. :-)
Co Tě baví ve volném čase?
Rád čtu, brouzdám po internetu, sem tam si i zacvičím.
What do you do in your free time?
I like reading, browsing the internet or doing some workout from time to time.
Jaké předměty Tě ve škole bavily a jaké ne?
Jak se říká: "Když nemůžeš o něčem říct nic dobrého, neříkej nic", alespoň pokud mluvíme o střední škole. Na vysoké mě baví historie, filozofie a nebaví třeba taková antropologie.
What were your favourite school subjects and what not?
There is one saying: "If you can't tell anything nice about something, don't say anything", this applies to my studies at high school. Now, at university I like history, philosophy and don't like anthropology.
Jaké je Tvé oblíbené místo v Praze? Co bys doporučil hostům Prague City Apartments doporučit?
Například Břevnov (Praha 6), kde bydlím, což je jedna z těch zelenějších částí Prahy.
Určitě bych doporučil Staroměstské náměstí a Karlův most. Ale ne odpoledne nebo večer, kdy je to tam hlava na hlavě. Přivstaňte si a vyražte za svítání, kdy většina města ještě spí. Ten pocit, že máte tato místa prakticky jen sami pro sebe, je k nezaplacení.
What's your favourite spot in Prague? Which place would you recommend to guests of Prague City Apartments?
For example, Břevnov (Prague 6), where I live, is one the greenest parts of Prague.
I would definitely recommend the Old Town Square and the Charle's Bridge. But not in the afternoon or evening, when these places are incredibly crowded. Get up early and leave the apartment during sunrise when the city still sleeps. That feeling, that you almost own these places, is priceless.
Friday, February 5, 2016
What to do in February in Prague
Farmer's Markets at Náplavka - 6.2. - 31.12.
Popular markets are starting this week, hooray! Every Saturday from 8AM - 2PM you have a chance to buy local vegetables, fruits, homemade pastry or sausages or just a bouquet or tulips. Markets are very popular among Czech who take their own wicker baskets and head here to buy grocery for the whole week.
Czech Grand Design - 23.2. - 10.5.
Annual awards regularly help to draw the attention to both professionals and the public to exceptional individuals and events in a specific field. They also enable us to appreciate and bring fame to works of specific creators. From February 23 you can visit the National Technical Museum to see finalists of CGD and their creations.
Titanic Exhibition - 10.2. - 30.6.
Fascinating exhibition which will introduce you the destiny of Titanic and its story as well. Exhibition is full of the ship's equipment, the furniture, costumes or even the luggage of the passengers. The whole exhibition is very rare and unique, all artefacts are priceless. Therefore, it is forbidden to use flash in your camera or mobile phone. Tickets are still available.
Festival of Nordic Movies - 15.2. - 15.3.
Nordic Film Club brings to people Nordic cinematography which might not be well known in Czech. You can look forward to almost 20 films, famous or not, all of them provided with Czech/English subtitles. Tickets and programm is available here.
St. Matthew's Fair - 20.2. - 17.4.
One of the traditions in Prague. Would you like some candy floss, riding on carousel or have fun with your children. Take them to the Exhibition area in Holešovice and spent a day here.
Popular markets are starting this week, hooray! Every Saturday from 8AM - 2PM you have a chance to buy local vegetables, fruits, homemade pastry or sausages or just a bouquet or tulips. Markets are very popular among Czech who take their own wicker baskets and head here to buy grocery for the whole week.
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Annual awards regularly help to draw the attention to both professionals and the public to exceptional individuals and events in a specific field. They also enable us to appreciate and bring fame to works of specific creators. From February 23 you can visit the National Technical Museum to see finalists of CGD and their creations.
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Fascinating exhibition which will introduce you the destiny of Titanic and its story as well. Exhibition is full of the ship's equipment, the furniture, costumes or even the luggage of the passengers. The whole exhibition is very rare and unique, all artefacts are priceless. Therefore, it is forbidden to use flash in your camera or mobile phone. Tickets are still available.
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Festival of Nordic Movies - 15.2. - 15.3.
Nordic Film Club brings to people Nordic cinematography which might not be well known in Czech. You can look forward to almost 20 films, famous or not, all of them provided with Czech/English subtitles. Tickets and programm is available here.
St. Matthew's Fair - 20.2. - 17.4.
One of the traditions in Prague. Would you like some candy floss, riding on carousel or have fun with your children. Take them to the Exhibition area in Holešovice and spent a day here.
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Meet Our Staff - Jane
Jak by ses popsala pěti slovy?
Je dost náročné popisovat sebe sama. Myslím si, že jsem energická a cílevědomá. Snažím se být empatická, nápomocná a doufám, že jsem i pracovitá.
How would you describe yourself in five words?
It is very difficult to describe yourself. I think I'm energetic and ambitious. I try to be emphatic, helpful and hope I'm hardworking too.
Jaká je Tvá pozice u Prague City Apartments?
V Prague City Apartments pracuji na pozici recepční. Ovšem kromě klasických úkolů plním i jiné, například průvodce. Moc ráda hostům povím zajímavosti o lokalitě, místech, které stojí za to navštívit a hlavně kdy. Těší mě, když check-in a delegatura nejsou pouhým formálním úkonem.
What's your position at Prague City Apartments?
I work at Prague City Apartments as a receptionist. However, my job is not only about the classic receptionist duties but also about the additional service, f.e. guiding. I like telling our guests interesting facts about location or places which are worth to visit and when as well. I like the fact that check-in and delegation is not just a formal task.
Jak obvykle probíhá Tvůj pracovní den?
Jeden z důvodů, proč mám moji práci tak ráda, je to, že je opravdu různorodá. Nicméně mám vždy úkoly, které spadají do každodenních povinností. Na směnu nastupuji v 8 hodin ráno. Dopoledne je ta část dne, kdy se připravuji na příjezd nových hostů. V 11 hodin je check-out, takže se také s hosty loučím. Přibližně od dvanácté hodiny hosté začínají přijíždět na recepci, což znamená, že přichází hlavní úkol dne - check-in a delegace. Delegace je v případě, jakmile je apartmán připraven. V průběhu celého dne odpovídám na emaily hostů a plním jejich nejrůznější přání - nákup potravin, rezervace míst v restauracích, výletů či exkurze s průvodcem. V 8 hodin večer končí má směna. Tehdy si s nočním recepčním předáváme důležité informace a úkoly.
How does your working day usually look like?
One of the reasons why I like my job, is that it's really various. However I always have to complete tasks which belong to my daily duties. I start my shift at 8 o'clock in the morning. At 11 is our check-out time, therefore I have to say goodbye to our guests. Around noon the new guests are arriving which means the main task of the day is approaching - check-in and delegation. Delegation is possible as the apartment is cleaned and ready. During the whole day I'm replying to emails and fulfilling the wishes - like grocery shopping, making reservations at restaurants, trips or guided excursions. My shift ends at 8 o'clock when I pass all important information and tasks to the night receptionist.
Dokáže Tě na práci něco překvapit?
Jak jsem již říkala, práce recepční je velmi rozmanitá. Díky tomu se setkávám se spoustou zajímavých a veselých okamžiků.
Is there something what can surprise you at work?
As I already said, my job is very various. Thanks to it I'm experiencing loads of interesting and funny moments.
Co Tě baví ve volném čase?
Ve volném čase nejraději navštěvuji divadlo, výstavy nebo se také ráda procházím Prahou. Pokud je zrovna vhodná sezóna a dostatek času, ráda cestuji za památkami do zahraničí.
What do you do in your free time?
I like going to theatre, exhibitions or just walking through Prague. I like travelling abroad for sightseeing depending on the season and time.
Jaké předměty Tě ve školy bavily a jaké ne?
Mezi mé nejoblíbenější předměty ve škole patří literatura, dějepis, dějiny umění a ekonomie. Na vysoké škole mám zatím jen samé zajímavé a přínosné předměty. Největší potíže mi dělalo účetnictví na střední škole. Věřím, že na vysoké to půjde lépe...
What were your favourite school subjects and what not?
My favourite subject at school is literature, history, history of arts or economics. Now, at university, all my courses are interesting and a real pay off. My biggest trouble was accounting at college. I hope it will get better at university...
Jaké je Tvé oblíbené místo v Praze? Co bys doporučila hostům Prague City Apartments navštívit?
Jedním z mých oblíbených míst v Praze je čtvrť Hradčany. Doporučuji hostům vyjet tramvají č. 22 do zastávky Pohořelec a odtud sejít dolů až na Malostranské náměstí. Má to úžasnou atmosféru, jak ráno, tak večer. :)
What's your favourite spot in Prague? Which place would you recommend to guests of Prague City Apartments?
One of my favourite places in Prague is Hradčany quarter. I recommend to our guests to use a tram no.22 and go to Pohořelec stop and from there walk down til they reach Malostranské náměstí (Malá Strana Square). It has an amazing atmosphere no matter what day time it is :)
Sunday, January 3, 2016
How to spend January in Prague
A proper winter just started but crowds who spent Christmas and New Year's Eve left the city. Now it might be the perfect time for exploring Prague. However, don't forget to bring gloves and scarf with you.
Here is our list of 10 events happening in January which are worth to visit:
Czech Press Photo - until January 31st
The competition and the subsequent exhibition yield an independent and authenic visual testimony about life at home and abroad as seen by professional photojournalists living in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Czech Press photo supports the interest in photojournalism as a tool of interpersonal understanding and recognition.
Three Kings' Day at ZOO - 6.1. 9AM - 6PM
Three Kings will visit the Prague ZOO this day with little gifts for children visitors and blessing for the animals. Singing carols is also welcomed. The top of the day is meeting with camels - animals which Three Kings used for their journey to Bethlehem.
Open-air ice-skating
In several places in Prague is possible to rent ice skated and perform some serious figures on the ice rink. Please don't hesitate to ask our staff for directions.
Carnevale - 29.1. - 9.2.
The Festival Carnevale is not just a colourful show of historical allergorical festivities, but also a event full of brilliant ideas, unique skills and splendid creativity. After last successfull years you can look forward to a wide programm in museums, theatres, galleries and schools or restaurants. Programm will be published here.
Prague Short Films Festival - 22. - 23.1.
The best and most inspirative short films from the whole world are here for 11th time. The audience will have the opportunity to watch dozens of films in traditional sections - the international competition, the overview program of Czech cinema, the experimental films section Labo and the late night Brutal Relax Show. Tickets will be available from Januray 15 here - entrance fee is 90 CZK.
Out of Limits - until 28.2.
If you want to visit the famous Dancing House with combination of art - it is your chance. Czech artist and designer Bořek Šípek presents his own retrospective exhibition on second floor of the Dancing House. Almost 200 artistic pieces is presented - from glass art to designer pieces - all collected during his life.
Spectaculare - 20.1. - 12.2.
Festival Spectaculare is created for all fans of modern art. The main part is music in combination with theatre, ballet, videoart, videomapping of photo art. You can enjoy seven concerts, several workshops, film projections and on top of that three exhibitions. Tickets are still available.
Galadegustace Žofín - 28.1.
International exhibtion of wines and liquors where you can buy whatever your mouth will like. All wines will be introduced directly by vine-growers themselves. Entrance fee - 590 CZK/person. Contact us for any help with buying tickets (website is only in Czech language).
Toyen - until February 16
I see for it is night represents the internally focused art of Toyen in several main sections. Carefully selected paintings were provided by many significant state and private Czech and Parisian collections.
Czech Cubism - until the end of 2017
Want to find out something new about Czech cubism? About Czech cubistic architects? This exhibtion is right for you. Held in beautiful House at the Black Madonna, not far from the Old Town Square.
Here is our list of 10 events happening in January which are worth to visit:
Czech Press Photo - until January 31st
The competition and the subsequent exhibition yield an independent and authenic visual testimony about life at home and abroad as seen by professional photojournalists living in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Czech Press photo supports the interest in photojournalism as a tool of interpersonal understanding and recognition.
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Three Kings will visit the Prague ZOO this day with little gifts for children visitors and blessing for the animals. Singing carols is also welcomed. The top of the day is meeting with camels - animals which Three Kings used for their journey to Bethlehem.
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In several places in Prague is possible to rent ice skated and perform some serious figures on the ice rink. Please don't hesitate to ask our staff for directions.
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The Festival Carnevale is not just a colourful show of historical allergorical festivities, but also a event full of brilliant ideas, unique skills and splendid creativity. After last successfull years you can look forward to a wide programm in museums, theatres, galleries and schools or restaurants. Programm will be published here.
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The best and most inspirative short films from the whole world are here for 11th time. The audience will have the opportunity to watch dozens of films in traditional sections - the international competition, the overview program of Czech cinema, the experimental films section Labo and the late night Brutal Relax Show. Tickets will be available from Januray 15 here - entrance fee is 90 CZK.
Out of Limits - until 28.2.
If you want to visit the famous Dancing House with combination of art - it is your chance. Czech artist and designer Bořek Šípek presents his own retrospective exhibition on second floor of the Dancing House. Almost 200 artistic pieces is presented - from glass art to designer pieces - all collected during his life.
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Festival Spectaculare is created for all fans of modern art. The main part is music in combination with theatre, ballet, videoart, videomapping of photo art. You can enjoy seven concerts, several workshops, film projections and on top of that three exhibitions. Tickets are still available.
Galadegustace Žofín - 28.1.
International exhibtion of wines and liquors where you can buy whatever your mouth will like. All wines will be introduced directly by vine-growers themselves. Entrance fee - 590 CZK/person. Contact us for any help with buying tickets (website is only in Czech language).
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I see for it is night represents the internally focused art of Toyen in several main sections. Carefully selected paintings were provided by many significant state and private Czech and Parisian collections.
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Want to find out something new about Czech cubism? About Czech cubistic architects? This exhibtion is right for you. Held in beautiful House at the Black Madonna, not far from the Old Town Square.
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