Monday, February 22, 2016
Meet our Staff - Robert
Jak by ses popsal pěti slovy?
Přátelský, empatický, vstřícný, pracovitý...těžko říct...hodný?
How would you describe yourself in five words?
Friendly, emphatic, down to earth, hardworking....hard to say...kind?
Jaká je Tvá pozice u Prague City Apartments?
Pracuji jako noční recepční.
What's your position at Prague City Apartments?
I work as the night receptionist.
Jak obvykle probíhá Tvůj pracovní den?
Po příchodu do práce následuje více méně sled administrativních činností, případně ubytování "opozdilců". Většinu noci pak strávím odpovídáním na emaily a řeším krizové situace typu vypadlé pojistky, ztracené vstupní karty,...
How does your working day usually looks like?
After starting my shift, it is more or less about the administrative work, eventually checking-in "latecomers". Most of the night I spend answering email and solving crisis situations such as problems with safety fuse or lost entrance cards...
Dokáže Tě na práci něco překvapit? Vybavíš si nějakou veselou situaci z práce?
Nedá se říct, že by mě v práci něco překvapovalo. Spíš jsou věci, co mi zvednou náladu a věci, co mi ji zkazí.
Veselo jsem na recepci měl například tehdy, když se mi tu jeden "lehce" připitý kolemjdoucí rozhodl předvést umění jógy :-)
Is there something what can surprise you at work? Any funny moments?
I can't say that I get surprised at work. It's more about thing which makes me feel better or worse.
I remember one funny situation when one "slightly" drunk passer-by decided to show me the art of yoga. :-)
Co Tě baví ve volném čase?
Rád čtu, brouzdám po internetu, sem tam si i zacvičím.
What do you do in your free time?
I like reading, browsing the internet or doing some workout from time to time.
Jaké předměty Tě ve škole bavily a jaké ne?
Jak se říká: "Když nemůžeš o něčem říct nic dobrého, neříkej nic", alespoň pokud mluvíme o střední škole. Na vysoké mě baví historie, filozofie a nebaví třeba taková antropologie.
What were your favourite school subjects and what not?
There is one saying: "If you can't tell anything nice about something, don't say anything", this applies to my studies at high school. Now, at university I like history, philosophy and don't like anthropology.
Jaké je Tvé oblíbené místo v Praze? Co bys doporučil hostům Prague City Apartments doporučit?
Například Břevnov (Praha 6), kde bydlím, což je jedna z těch zelenějších částí Prahy.
Určitě bych doporučil Staroměstské náměstí a Karlův most. Ale ne odpoledne nebo večer, kdy je to tam hlava na hlavě. Přivstaňte si a vyražte za svítání, kdy většina města ještě spí. Ten pocit, že máte tato místa prakticky jen sami pro sebe, je k nezaplacení.
What's your favourite spot in Prague? Which place would you recommend to guests of Prague City Apartments?
For example, Břevnov (Prague 6), where I live, is one the greenest parts of Prague.
I would definitely recommend the Old Town Square and the Charle's Bridge. But not in the afternoon or evening, when these places are incredibly crowded. Get up early and leave the apartment during sunrise when the city still sleeps. That feeling, that you almost own these places, is priceless.
Friday, February 5, 2016
What to do in February in Prague
Farmer's Markets at Náplavka - 6.2. - 31.12.
Popular markets are starting this week, hooray! Every Saturday from 8AM - 2PM you have a chance to buy local vegetables, fruits, homemade pastry or sausages or just a bouquet or tulips. Markets are very popular among Czech who take their own wicker baskets and head here to buy grocery for the whole week.
Czech Grand Design - 23.2. - 10.5.
Annual awards regularly help to draw the attention to both professionals and the public to exceptional individuals and events in a specific field. They also enable us to appreciate and bring fame to works of specific creators. From February 23 you can visit the National Technical Museum to see finalists of CGD and their creations.
Titanic Exhibition - 10.2. - 30.6.
Fascinating exhibition which will introduce you the destiny of Titanic and its story as well. Exhibition is full of the ship's equipment, the furniture, costumes or even the luggage of the passengers. The whole exhibition is very rare and unique, all artefacts are priceless. Therefore, it is forbidden to use flash in your camera or mobile phone. Tickets are still available.
Festival of Nordic Movies - 15.2. - 15.3.
Nordic Film Club brings to people Nordic cinematography which might not be well known in Czech. You can look forward to almost 20 films, famous or not, all of them provided with Czech/English subtitles. Tickets and programm is available here.
St. Matthew's Fair - 20.2. - 17.4.
One of the traditions in Prague. Would you like some candy floss, riding on carousel or have fun with your children. Take them to the Exhibition area in Holešovice and spent a day here.
Popular markets are starting this week, hooray! Every Saturday from 8AM - 2PM you have a chance to buy local vegetables, fruits, homemade pastry or sausages or just a bouquet or tulips. Markets are very popular among Czech who take their own wicker baskets and head here to buy grocery for the whole week.
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Annual awards regularly help to draw the attention to both professionals and the public to exceptional individuals and events in a specific field. They also enable us to appreciate and bring fame to works of specific creators. From February 23 you can visit the National Technical Museum to see finalists of CGD and their creations.
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Fascinating exhibition which will introduce you the destiny of Titanic and its story as well. Exhibition is full of the ship's equipment, the furniture, costumes or even the luggage of the passengers. The whole exhibition is very rare and unique, all artefacts are priceless. Therefore, it is forbidden to use flash in your camera or mobile phone. Tickets are still available.
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Festival of Nordic Movies - 15.2. - 15.3.
Nordic Film Club brings to people Nordic cinematography which might not be well known in Czech. You can look forward to almost 20 films, famous or not, all of them provided with Czech/English subtitles. Tickets and programm is available here.
St. Matthew's Fair - 20.2. - 17.4.
One of the traditions in Prague. Would you like some candy floss, riding on carousel or have fun with your children. Take them to the Exhibition area in Holešovice and spent a day here.